Your Community Needs a Modern Network in Order to Thrive


Digital transformation is essential for governments today. Whether you are trying to improve citizen experience, make enhancements throughout your community, or optimize operations for your department, you need the right technology to support you on that journey.

Supporting Smart Community Initiatives

Smart community trends and initiatives are taking governments by storm. There are a lot of benefits of becoming a smart community as shown by the many cities around the globe already reaping the benefits.

The first essential step for transforming into a smart community is ensuring that you have a strong, technology infrastructure to build upon. Your smart technology is only as effective as the network it is connected too.

Addressing Public Safety

Legacy technology systems not only set your community back, but there can be serious implications for not having a strong connection between departments. Smart technologies, when supported by a strong network, are a great tool to maintain communications between different public safety departments and gain access to information through security cameras, systems, etc.

Increase Employee Retention and Attract New Talent

Your staff wants flexibility. They want to be able to work from anywhere and access information securely. That being said, the best way to ensure that your existing staff happy, increase employee satisfaction, and even begin to attract new talent to your organization amid today’s workforce challenges.

Improving Your Technology Backbone

Your journey to a smart community all begins when you update your existing legacy technology to create a strong network that can support the new levels of demand that your citizens and government employees have created.

The key is to ensure a future proof network that can adapt with innovations in technology and scale to meet changing levels of demands.

About the Author
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Cammy Perry
Senior Content Marketing Specialist

Cammy is a Content Marketing Specialist at Extreme Networks, leveraging her expertise to craft thought leadership and engaging content.

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