Mobile Learning Garners High Marks at City, University of London

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Since implementing the Extreme Automated Campus solution with Extreme Fabric Connect technology, City, University of London, has eliminated downtime in the core, enjoyed unprecedented flexibility for network deployments, and see user satisfaction soar.


  • Resolve reliability issues with the complex University network
  • Create an infrastructure that can easily accommodate future requirements
  • Overcome the restrictions on making changes to the network
"Because of Extreme's Automated campus solution, it took longer to unpack all the hardware than it did to configure an SPB Cluster and have it ready for deployment!"
Paulo Leal
Network Team Leader, City, University of London

Extreme Solutions

  • Extreme Automated Campus
  • Extreme Fabric Connect
  • ExtremeManagement
  • ExtremeAnalytics
  • Extreme Identity Engines
  • ExtremeSwitching


  • Eliminated error-induced network outages: 100% uptime across all core systems
  • Increased satisfaction with IT Services among students
  • Accelerated and simplified network administration
  • Enhanced ability to control access and separate traffic: multiple VLANs for different user groups