Luis Rodriguez leads the Extreme Networks Americas SAAS Sales Team. He was born in Wiesbaden, Germany where his dad was stationed in the army. He lived there a short time before moving to Puerto Rico where his family is from until the age of 5 when they moved to Cleburne, Texas. After a couple of years the family moved to Orlando where their roots would be cemented. From a camp counselor to cold calling salesman to door to door salesman to running a CCTV security team up and down Florida and Georgia he finally found his way to a call center at Sprint that changed his life forever.
Luis rose through the ranks of help desk repair center to call center sales to inside sales to outside sales. Along the way earning multiple presidents club awards and diamond club awards. He eventually spent some time with a company called Wayport that was then bought by AT&T where he started selling into stadiums and large public venues and hotels. He then got the opportunity he had been waiting for and moved his family to California to run Motorola’s Managed Services Practice for the West Coast. Successfully closing several deals along with the largest global managed services deal for the company at the time he got called once again to an opportunity to move his family back home to Orlando.
Several months later he was getting calls from Aerohive Networks and the rest is history and brings us to today. Luis leads the Extreme Networks Americas SAAS Sales team and has been an RD for multiple regions in the Enterprise space. He is the president of La Raza, Extreme’s employee resource group for Hispanic and Latino employees. In his spare time, Luis enjoys doing jiu jitsu, trail running, spending time with his fiancé and absolutely loves being with his kids. He is currently training for a 100 mile run in December which will be his third ultra but the longest yet.