Anais Dupont: One of CRN's 2023 IT Channel Rockstars!

Anais Dupont CRN Hero Image

Congratulations to Anais Dupont, Extreme's Global Partner Manager, on being recognized as one of CRN's 100 People You Don't Know But Should for 2023! This annual list recognizes professionals who work tirelessly behind the scenes to support their partners and the broader channel ecosystem.

Anais is a huge part of our partner program’s success and is a no-brainer to include on this list. She’s a true professional with a clear passion for the channel, a desire to help partners succeed, and a commitment to executing and driving global channel programs. Beyond her day job, she's a contributor to Extreme at large; at our most recent global user conference, Anais was recognized with the first-ever Demo Hall MVP award given to an employee who went above and beyond during the event.

Anais has been with Extreme for nearly five years and, in that time, has taken on many key responsibilities within the Partner Programs team, including managing Extreme’s MDF and Ultimate Warrior programs. Prior to this role, Anais started as an Extreme inside sales representative and a manager for the MDF program. Before joining Extreme, Anais studied literature, communication, and journalism at Paris-Sorbonne IV Université and worked at Adobe Systems.

Our partner program and the work Extreme does to strategically support our channel community as a whole wouldn’t be the same without Anais. Congratulations to Anais on this well-deserved recognition of your dedication and hard work!

Get to Know Anais – One of the Rockstars on Team Extreme!   

What drew you to Extreme five years ago?

At the time, former colleagues kept mentioning Extreme as the next big player in our industry. After looking into it, I could see that Extreme Networks was an ambitious and growing company that was committed to delivering high-performance, secure, and agile networking solutions. I wanted to be a part of the journey.   

What do you enjoy about working with Extreme’s channel community?

The collaborative environment and the opportunity to engage with a network of skilled partners and experts. This collaboration can only lead to mutual growth and success.   

What does this distinction mean to you?

It means a lot. I’m honored to be acknowledged for my commitment and contributions to the company's success.   

What about the Extreme Ignite Partner Program stands out to you?

The Extreme Ignite Partner Program stands out due to its comprehensive training and support resources, a wide range of product offerings, competitive incentives such as our Ultimate Warrior program, and a strong emphasis on co-selling and collaboration. Our advisory councils are also initiatives that should strongly appeal to our partner base; we actively listen to their feedback and try to implement meaningful changes where possible.   

What do you like to do outside of work?

I like to read a lot, spend time with my family, take walks, and explore the new area I recently moved to.   

Learn more about the Extreme Ignite Partner Program.   

The 100 People You Don’t Know But Should will be featured in the October issue of CRN Magazine.

About the Author
Kilynn Sommer
Vice President Global Channel Marketing and Partner Programs

Kilynn is a bilingual marketing leader with a proven track record of driving growth and organizational effectiveness. She leads our global channel marketing and partner programs.

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