7 Misconceptions About 5G and Wi-Fi

I recently had the pleasure to speak to a room full of Wi-Fi professionals about the relationship between 5G and Wi-Fi. I had 10 minutes to get my point across about what I feel are the 7 biggest misconceptions regarding 5G and Wi-Fi:

In those 10 minutes I summarized the following misconceptions:

  • Wi-Fi 6 and 5G are generationally similar
  • Private 5G is always a Wi-Fi competitor
  • 5G and Wi-Fi are complimentary
  • Wi-Fi is ideal and 5G must be like it
  • 5G and Wi-Fi will converge
  • Advertised specs are current reality
  • The “best” technology wins

The video of my presentation at the 2020 wirelessLAN Professionals Conference (WLPC) in Phoenix is now available for all to view.

This blog was originally authored by Marcus Burton, Architect, Cloud Technology

About the Author
Extreme Office of the CTO - OCTO
Office of the CTO

The Office of the CTO at Extreme Network analyzes forthcoming inflection points and trends for a wide audience – a relatable, trusted resource for future facing, new ideas at the cutting edge of technology and networking.

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